Finis Terrae

December 1st, 2nd, and 3rd, 2023.

The Finis Terrae exhibition brings together the perspective of twelve young artists from various cities in Italy on the territory of Tresigallo. After a period of artistic residency at Palazzo Pio in October, and drawing from reflections born during their time in Tresigallo, the artists have developed the works that make up the exhibition.
Landscape, atmosphere, interpersonal relationships, utopia, architecture, dream, threshold, abandonment, archive, and memory are the inspirations from which the ten projects originate. These projects were selected through an open call and developed within the specific space of Palazzo Pio. The exhibition path unfolds across the three floors of the sixteenth-century building.
The title pays homage to the “disappeared” landscape of these emerged areas, once a boundary between the land and the brackish waters that reached the sea.
The conception and organization of the project are by the Bolognese association Frat.tale, born in spring 2023 from a group of artists, curators, and cultural project managers who have been working in synergy with the Municipality of Tresignana in recent months to activate Palazzo Pio through exhibitions, residencies, and workshops in the field of visual arts.

In the exhibition: Francesca Baglieri, Anna Berrino, Martina Cioffi, Giulia Druda & Gianluca Marion, Linh Duong, Michele Febbraio, Nicolò Link Hg, Anna Martinatti, Ettore Morandi, Ucci Ucci.